Friday, December 4, 2009


The so called “Golden Age” of arcade games reached its peak in the early ‘80s. During this time, a number of new genres was established, & many new genres were established, &many new innovations in graphics technology were taken place.Computer gaming didn’t happen until 1982 when two machines were released specifically for gaming the commodore 64 & the ZX spectrum. Initially, the low image processing quality & graphics capabilities of computers limited the types of games released for home computers. These limitations gave rise to text based adventure games. Games such as adventure & Zork established this genre for consoles & P.C.s.In 1980, a game called Mystery House was published...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can You Deliver IT as a Service?

The IT industry has worked toward a vision of delivering IT as a Service for years. But until a recent convergence of events, true success has remained an elusive goal for many companies. Today, unprecedented economic pressure for new models of doing business and the maturity of virtualization technology are accelerating the adoption of cloud computing. Solutions for turning IT into a service are now both more accessible and more affordable. If you are downloading music, buying airline tickets online, participating in a social network, or using hosted e-mail, chances are you are one of more than one billion users already accessing IT services Some of the world’s best known brands have built their cloud offerings . IT as a Service can help you: Be more responsive to customer needs. ...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

how to be an animator ?

There are a number of different career paths for animators. We often think of animators as the talented artists who create the cartoons we love, either for film or movies. Animators continue to work in these areas, but increasingly, many are employed creating animated graphics for a variety of projects. This can include websites, online advertisements and video games. Animators can find full-time employment with movie or television production companies, with advertisers, web design firms, video game companies or with animation firms. Free lance work is another option for animators, particularly those specializing in web animation. Most entry-level positions will require an animator to have a bachelors degree in a related field such as fine arts or media. There...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Hackers Know About Your Network - That You Don't!

Whether you call them hackers, crackers or cyber criminals doesn't matter. What does matter is whatever you call them - they're looking for a way into your network!You may not realize it but hackers are scanning your Internet connection looking for an opening.What will they do if they find one?They'll launch an attack against that opening to see if they can exploit a vulnerability that will allow them to remotely execute some commands thereby giving them access to your network.But it all starts with scanning your network.Automated Tools Are a Wonderful ThingCyber criminals don't scan each individual network on the Internet one by one. They have automated tools that randomly scan every IP address on the Internet.Hackers aren't lazy people - just very efficient. And very intelligent.The tools...

Wealth Building Basics

Learning to build wealth requires one to learn to be counter-intuitive. Building wealth is not about pushing and dodging the thrusts of others. Sure that is one way to push (pun intended) ahead but, in the end, it leaves one cold and alone. Of course, you cannot be one who is constantly pushed either. Doormats seldom build significant wealth on their own. So what is the answer. If I can't push and I mustn't cave in to the bully what can I do?The answer is really quite simple. Not only is it simple, it has been around foras long as man has thought about his place in the universe. The ancient Hebrew Sage Hillel told a follower who asked him to explain the whole Torah while standing on one foot, "What is hurtful to you you must abstain from doing to another. That is the entire Torah. Go and learn."...

Aircraft for the Armed Forces

The wars of today would be imaginable without the use of military aircraft. Of course, no country can go to war armed with only one type of aircraft. Every nation must invest in different kinds of aircraft ranging from fighter aircraft, bombers, and tankers to observation balloons. Each of the different kinds of planes has a separate role to play. And each of these roles is as essential as the next. While looking at airplanes for defence purposes, one finds that many of the aircraft are multi-functional. For instance, the F-4 Phantom is not only a fighter-bomber. It is also used for the purpose of reconnaissance. It also plays the additional roles of CAS and ECM. Moreover, if such an aircraft seems to fall too expensive, there are several other military aircraft to bolster a nation's defences....

Virtual Reality

At first, Engelbart's ideas were dismissed, but by the early 1960s other people were thinking the same way. Moreover, the time was right for his vision of computing. Communications technology was intersecting with computing and graphics technology. The fi rst computers based on transistors rather than vacuum tubes became available. This synergy yielded more user-friendly computers, which laid the groundwork for personal computers, computer graphics, and later on, the emergence of virtual reality.A natural consumer of computer graphics was the entertainment industry, which, like the military and industry, was the source of many valuable spin-offs in virtual reality. A goal of scientific visualization is to capture the dynamic qualities of systems or processes in its images. In the 1980s, borrowing...

Computer animation

Computer animation (or CGI animation) is the art of creating moving images with the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and animation. Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, though 2D computer graphics are still widely used for stylistic, low bandwidth, and faster real-time rendering needs. Sometimes the target of the animation is the computer itself, but sometimes the target is another medium, such as film. It is also referred to as CGI (computer-generated imagery or computer-generated imaging), especially when used in films. To create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed on the computer screen and repeatedly replaced by a new image that is similar to the previous image, but advanced slightly in the time domain (usually at a rate of 24...

Business simulation

Most business simulations are used for business acumen training and development. Learning objectives include: strategic thinking, financial analysis, market analysis, operations, teamwork and leadership.Scenario simulations In a business game or business simulation game, a scenario is played out in a simulated environment and the learner or user is asked to make decisions on how to act in the simulations. Often multiple choice alternatives are used and the scenario is played out following a branching tree based on which decisions the learner makes. Throughout or at certain intervals feedback is provided. These are similar to role-play simulations. Numeric simulations A numeric simulation can mimic a whole company on a high level or it can be more detailed and mimic specific organizational...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"We need to recognise game dev as creative industry" really feel we're at this strange point at the moment where I meet so many incredibly talented people who are frustrated with what they're doing That's really confusing - how can so many great people be unhappy? But then you look at the top 20 games, and you see that a lot of them are the same - there's a real disconnect there.He encouraged creative people who have strong ideas to be motivated enough to take risks, and passionate enough to convince others of their vision."Try to find anyone you can who shares the same vision as you. If there aren't any, consider doing it as a side project on your own. Great artists put themselves into their work, and we need to do the same - and the only way to do it is to be passionate about what you're doing....

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