Thursday, April 4, 2013

Video Game Reduces Stress

Did you know that an awesome healing power had always been right at your comfort-zone? And that’s equally potent as any other antidote? Talking about video games! The joystick or the mouse, apart from offering a powerhouse of pleasure & entertainment, has a soothing effect on even the worst kind of mental fatigue- STRESS. Your to-do-list is crowded with deadlines. The cubicle is loaded with files. Or your virtual office hardly lets you look around. Else the towering syllabi of the upcoming exam are baffling you. Pushed for the extreme, you are at your wit’s end. Or hey, may be your partner just ditched you or the other way round? Whatever it is, the result is at the end of the day, YOU ARE STRESSED OUT. Thinking of attending a stress management workshop? But before you spend on that,...

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